A chair painted to represent Piet Mondriaan's de Stijl.


The area code of The Hague, The Netherlands, represented as a three dimensional painting that takes the form of a stool and serves as a tribute to De Stijl.

The Hague

In 2017, our Founder, Oscar de la Hera Gomez was succumbed to a difficult situation that put his future in question. He found himself sitting on his childhood chair in his home in The Hague, when the chair fell apart - mirroring the existing moment at hand.

At this time, the Hague was celebrating Piet Mondriaan and de Stijl, with the whole city replicating his famous style across architecture and interior design. Given that Oscar's childhood home was about to be sold, Oscar took this as an inspiration to capture his childhood in the chair that he had sat upon for 14 years. A process that saw him bond with his mother to restore the chair, draft designs in illustrator before partnering with Sacha Sukasam to produce the final product.

The chair served as a gift for his mothers birthday and today sits in her home in Madrid.

Want one too? We're open for production requests - just send through to inquiries@delasign.com.

An isometric view of the chair composition.

What We  

The composition of the chair.


  • The composition of the chair.
  • The composition of the chair.
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